January 09, 2012

Climbing on Mount Puntang-Malabar-Bandung-West Java

South Bandung area turned out to have an historic tourist attraction that is quite unique in Mount Puntang. If you are tired of visiting the famous Ciwidey Attraction White crater and Situ - his, and you also have saturated visit to Canning, no one tried to visit this kekawasan. Puntang mountain is part of the Malabar series of mountains.

In this area there is a campsite which is managed by the Perhutani. The cool air at an altitude of 1290 m, the river clear coupled with a blend of pine trees that grow naturally, providing a separate peace while on location.
The beauty of this panorama of the surrounding area can be enjoyed throughout the course of crossing the road since Banjaran - Mount Puntang Pangalengan and road. On arriving at the gate Perhutani, a time to time stopping to see the spread of Plato (plate) from a height of Bandung. Reportedly, in the rainy season, Malabar area is one area of ​​concentration of rain.

To enter the campsite, which are relatively inexpensive cost. Individual tickets 4000 dollars per day, land rent per 3 persons 2,500 rupiah, rupiah 1000 motorcycle, sedan / minivan 3000 dollars while the bus / truck 5000 dollars. In addition to camping, activities - outdoor activities such as forest tracking or just play in times of clear water can be an option for visitors. A waterfall with a height of about 100 meters can be an alternative target in a way to travel for 2 hours through the woods.

To achieve this Siliwangi waterfall location, you should use a local guide service direction so as not to get lost. In 1923, the Dutch Government had built a radio station with a transmitter in the world. Achieve two-kilometer stretch of antennae mounted between Mount Puntang and Mist Mountain with an altitude of 500 meters reaches the valley floor.

For the Netherlands, Mount Puntang has an ideal location. In addition to a hidden location, the position of Mount Puntang also has a coordinate direction global positioning system (GPS) to the Netherlands. Thus, the radio broadcasts that can be directly heard in the land of Windmills.

However, to launch a radio broadcast took power. Therefore, the Dutch government is also building a hydroelectric power (hydropower) in Dago, Dayeuh old-fashioned, and Pangalengan. Dutch also built various facilities, such as housing for workers, swimming pools, sports facilities and cinemas. But unfortunately, the present condition of the building by the Dutch was quite apprehensive. Buildings remaining debris only. IBHS has been covered with shrubs, unkempt. Location that has beautiful scenery and cool air is now widely used for camping on holidays and weekends.

Visitors who come are generally not just camping and enjoy the natural atmosphere, but also want to see the relics of history. Although they were a little disappointed.

Although Mount Puntang has a history of very high, for Indonesia information about Radio Stations Malabar meager. Apparently, besides unkempt also less information. At the bottom of the valley, once there is a fairly large building that serves as a relay station for communications support to the Netherlands within 12 000 km. Uniquely, they can get the location is ideal, because the propagation direction of the antenna structure is toward state Windmills stretcher. Moreover, this place is quite hidden.

Uniquely, this is purely a transmitter station, while the recipient is in Padalarang (15 miles) and Rancaekek (18 miles). Excited again, because the technology is still wasteful of energy, hydropower Dutch building in Dago, power plant in Dayeuh old-fashioned, and hydroelectric power in Pangalengan, complete with its distribution network to meet the needs of only the transmitter! This transmitter, among others are still using ancient technology of the electric arc (Poulsen) to generate thousands of kilowatt radio waves with wavelengths of 20 km s / d of 7.5 km.

In addition to the main building of the radio station transmitter, the area was formerly Mount Puntang there are also villages inhabited by the crew station with facilities pemancara a fairly complete. Village known as Kampung radio (Radio Dorf) also comes home - the home office workers, tennis courts, movie theaters and even supposedly also available at that time.

A Dutch heritage caves can also be found here and can be traced with ease even though I tend to muddy bottom on the inside. Mouth of the cave is quite hidden among the indentations of land which, when considered at first glance similar to the tiger's face.

Turning to the present, the area of ​​Mount Puntang there is a recreational facility that is no less interesting. This privately-owned facilities of the park (name: Bougenvile) in which there are 3 villas, 2 swimming pools, children's playground and the site is drained several small streams are very clear river water. Swimming pools are getting troops directly from the spring water that flows continuously so it is always clear, cold and free kapurit.

Bandung actually save a lot of tourism potential south of a kind, but unfortunately, the prestige lost by the North Bandung, let alone to achieve it through the area generally known Dayeuhkolot subscription flooding


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